Cloud Security Posture Management

As your organization navigates the cloud, maintaining a secure and compliant environment is crucial. Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) offers a comprehensive solution, providing continuous monitoring to identify and address security risks like misconfigurations and vulnerabilities. This proactive approach empowers you to gain critical visibility, detect threats early, ensure compliance, streamline security management, and optimize costs, ultimately safeguarding your valuable data and applications in the cloud.

brier & thorn

What you get

BT’s Managed Vulnerability Program utilizes industry-leading technology like Tenable Security Center to provide a comprehensive and efficient solution for identifying, prioritizing, and remediating vulnerabilities across your on-premise and multi-cloud infrastructures. Our program includes:

Get started

Automated Compliance and Risk Assessments

● Our automated tools assess your cloud configuration against industry best practices and compliance regulations like PCI DSS, HIPAA, and SOC 2.

● We provide detailed reports highlighting identified risks and compliance gaps, allowing you to prioritize remediation efforts.

Centralized Management and Reporting

● Gain a single pane of glass view into your cloud security posture through our user-friendly dashboard.

● Access consolidated security logs, compliance reports, and threat intelligence feeds from all your cloud platforms.

Expert Guidance and Remediation Support

● Our team of certified security professionals analyzes security findings and provides actionable recommendations for addressing identified risks and vulnerabilities.

● We offer ongoing support and guidance throughout the remediation process, ensuring your cloud environment remains secure and compliant.

How We Deliver the Service

Onboarding and Discovery

We begin by understanding your unique cloud environment and security requirements.

Deployment and Configuration

Our team seamlessly integrates our CSPM solution with your existing cloud infrastructure

Continuous Monitoring and Threat Detection:

We continuously monitor your cloud environment for suspicious activity and potential threats.

Alerting and Notification

Our team collaborates with you to address security issues and provides ongoing guidance and support to maintain asecure cloud posture.

Remediation and Ongoing Support

Our team collaborates with you toaddress security issues and provides ongoing guidance and support to maintain asecure cloud posture.

BT's CSPM service empowers you to take control of your cloud security by providing continuous monitoring, automated assessments, centralized management, and expert guidance. This comprehensive approach allows you to confidently navigate the cloud landscape, ensuring the security, compliance, and cost-efficiency of your cloud environment.

Let's get started

Reach out to schedule an introductory call with one of our team members and learn more about how BT can be a multiplier for your SecOps capabilities.

contact us
+1 (858) 381 4977
US: 1855 1st Avenue, San Diego, California 92010

MX:  Rampa Aeropuerto 16000, La Pechuga, Tijuana, B.C, Mexico C.P.22425
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